A clean house

Visitors arriving is always a good motivation to clean the house. There's nothing quite like the satisfied feeling of knowing that everything is ready.

A walk

An afternonon walk around the hills in my suburb brought many delights. Kowhai were still in flower, attracting the tui, and blossoms abounded in gardens and along the footpaths, making it a scent-filled journey. Other walkers were out and about, walking themselves or their dogs, and there was an unusual preponderance of greyhounds that made …

Delights on a gloomy day

So many: a delicious brunch, relaxed window shopping, a drive up a mountain, appreciation of scenery on a less than perfect day, photography with just my phone, and Japanese food.

Hot Water

A few weeks ago we discovered our hot water tank was leaking, and needed to be replaced. Yesterday the plumbers turned up, and it was all done by lunchtime. Hot showers back in the menu. Who wouldn’t be delighted by that?

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